The New-Look

OWDT was retained to reimagine a bold and confident identity in line with CE’s productive approach. OWDT worked closely on the project with leadership at Clear Evaluations and successfully created a typographic system based on the idea of presenting a series of lines and bars, a concept highly connected to the nature of presenting data and evaluations.

The primary brand color has been selected as deep blue, accented by a palette of the bright, optimistic secondary color of light blue, bright orange, and minimal green that will be residing in images.

We proposed and developed images that capture the visible manifestation of Clear Evaluations’s work as well as the spirit of the less visible, as seen through the people whose lives are impacted by CE’s performance. We also suggest using illustrations in combination with images to describe the principles of mystery shopping and other service offerings.

Client Goals

Modernize the Visual Identity

Being Bright & Optimistic

Bold & Confident

Transmit Brand’s Essence

Increase Demand for Services

Engage New Clients

Reignite the Organization’s Core Purpose

Inspire Employees & Partner Companies

Build Brand Awareness

We use the medium of web design and the principles that govern our psychology to deliberately evoke a sensory effect, persuading users to take specific actions that benefit them.

Our goal is to cultivate a multilayered communication that speaks to the responsive faculties of our being by using the domains and disciplines within content and design.