7 key benefits of hiring a professional web design company


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Potential customers frequently approach businesses through their websites. The perception of a brand and the efficiency with which a website accomplishes its objectives can both be significantly impacted by a well-designed website.

Working with a reputable and seasoned web design company is crucial to ensuring the best results for your website. If funds are available, we advise picking a reputable web design firm with a track record of producing top-notch website designs.

But what does a professional web design company offer that less professional companies may not provide? The following list will address some of the most critical factors we want you to consider.

1. Deeper Consultation & planning

A skilled web design consulting and planning process is strategic, personalized, team-based, attention to detail, and futuristic. A successful web design project requires collaboration, clear communication, and a thorough understanding of the client’s expectations and goals. Let’s examine each element above more deeply to provide more clarity.

  • Strategic Approach: A professional web design consulting and planning process is strategic, focusing on understanding the client’s goals, target audience, and industry and aligning the design approach accordingly. It involves thorough research and analysis, identifying the client’s unique value proposition, and creating a design strategy that serves their specific needs.
  • Customization and Personalization: A professional web design consulting and planning process emphasizes customization and personalization. It considers the client’s branding guidelines, design preferences, and unique requirements and creates a solution tailored to their needs.
  • Collaboration and Client Involvement: Professional web design consulting and planning processes emphasize collaboration and client involvement. They involve the client in the design process, seeking their input and feedback at various stages and making revisions based on their feedback. This ensures that the final design meets the client’s expectations.
  • Attention to Detail: Professional web design consulting and planning processes pay attention to details such as user experience (UX), user interface (UI), responsiveness, accessibility, and search engine optimization (SEO). These details are crucial for creating a user-friendly, visually appealing website that performs well in search engines.
  • Long-term Planning: A professional web design consulting and planning process takes a long-term view, considering the client’s future growth and scalability needs. It plans for future updates, expansions, and optimizations, utilizing software and technology to ensure the website remains relevant and practical. Additionally, it may involve training employees on effectively using the website to support overall marketing strategies and goals. This comprehensive approach ensures the website remains relevant and practical for digital marketing companies and clients’ business needs.

2. Influential & Effective Design

Professional website design services, including modern web design and custom web design, follow technical best practices and are aesthetically pleasing, user-friendly, functional, aligned with branding, customizable, scalable, and functional. UX design services are also integral to professional website design, ensuring intuitive navigation, clear calls-to-action, easy-to-use forms, and responsive web design that adapts seamlessly to different devices and screen sizes. It offers a satisfying user experience, successfully conveys the brand, and advances the purposes and goals of the website. To provide more details, let’s investigate each item in greater depth.

  • Visual Appeal: A professional website design is visually appealing, with a polished and attractive look and feel that aligns with the brand’s image and resonates with the target audience. It is designed with a keen eye for aesthetics, utilizing appropriate colors, typography, graphics, and layout to create a visually pleasing user experience. As a byproduct, visual appeal can also lead to increased visibility.
  • User Experience (UX): Professional website designs are created to improve user experience (UX). This includes intuitive navigation, clear calls-to-action, easy-to-use forms, and responsive web design that adapts seamlessly to different devices and screen sizes. A professional website design ensures that users can easily find the information they need and accomplish their goals efficiently.
  • Functionality and Performance: Professional website designs are built with robust and reliable functionality that meets the needs of the website’s goals and target audience. This may include e-commerce functionality, content management systems (CMS), contact forms, search functionality, and integrations with third-party tools. A professional website design is optimized for performance, with fast load times, clean code, and proper SEO techniques.
  • Branding and Messaging: A professional website design aligns with the brand’s identity and messaging, effectively conveying the brand’s values, mission, and unique selling propositions. It uses consistent branding elements like logos, colors, and messaging to create a cohesive and memorable brand experience.
  • Customization and Scalability: Professional website designs are customized to the unique needs and goals of the business or organization. They are built with scalability, allowing for future updates, expansions, and optimizations as the business grows.
  • Technical Considerations: Professional website designs consider technical aspects such as cross-browser compatibility, accessibility, security, and coding best practices. They are built with clean and well-organized code that adheres to industry standards.

3. High-Quality Development

High-quality, scalable, and flexible code that adheres to industry standards and ensures cross-browser compatibility, accessibility, security, performance optimization, and ease of maintenance characterize professional website coding and development. For a more comprehensive understanding, let’s examine each item in greater detail.

  • Quality of Code: Professional website coding is typically done by experienced and skilled web developers who follow industry best practices and coding standards. They write clean, well-organized, and efficient code optimized for performance, security, and maintainability.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Professional website coding is designed to be scalable and flexible, allowing for future updates, modifications, and expansions as the website grows and evolves. It is typically built with a modular and extensible approach, making it easier to add new features or functionality in the future. Non-professional website coding may lack this scalability and flexibility, resulting in limitations and difficulties in making changes or updates.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Professional website coding considers cross-browser compatibility, ensuring the website renders correctly and functions properly across web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. This involves rigorous testing and implementation of browser-specific coding techniques.
  • Accessibility: Professional website coding adheres to accessibility standards, ensuring the website is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. This may involve incorporating appropriate HTML markup, providing alternative text for images, using proper heading hierarchy, and following other accessibility guidelines.
  • Security: Professional website coding follows best practices, implementing data encryption, protection against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, and input validation to prevent security vulnerabilities.
  • Performance Optimization: Professional website coding includes techniques such as caching, code minification, image optimization, and server-side optimizations to ensure fast page load times and smooth performance.
  • Maintenance and Support: Professional website coding is designed to be easily maintainable and updatable, with proper documentation and code comments that make it easier for other developers to understand and work with the code. It also includes ongoing support and maintenance to ensure the website remains secure, up-to-date, and functional.

4. Purpousful Content Creation

High-quality, SEO-optimized, brand-consistent, user-friendly, and frequently updated content that aligns with the brand’s branding, objectives, and target audience are the hallmarks of professional website content creation. Let’s closely analyze each of these items with greater detail.

  • Quality of Content: Professional website content creation involves the creation of high-quality, engaging, and relevant content tailored to the target audience and aligned with the brand’s messaging and goals. Experienced content creators typically write with a strong command of language, grammar, and storytelling techniques. It leads to high-quality work.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Professional website content creation often includes thorough keyword research and optimization for search engines, ensuring the content is discoverable and ranks well in search engine results pages (SERPs). It may also involve using meta tags, headings, and other on-page SEO techniques to improve the website’s visibility and search engine rankings.
  • Brand Consistency: Professional website content creation ensures the content is aligned with the brand’s tone, voice, and messaging. It helps to establish a consistent brand image across all website pages and content elements, creating a cohesive user experience.
  • User Experience (UX): Professional website content creation considers the user experience, ensuring that the content is presented in a user-friendly manner, with straightforward navigation, logical flow, and appropriate formatting. It is optimized for readability and scannability, making it easy for users to consume and understand the content.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA): Professional website content creation often includes strategic placement of call-to-action (CTA) elements to encourage user engagement, such as signing up for a newsletter, purchasing, or contacting the business. CTAs are designed to be compelling and persuasive, driving users towards desired actions.
  • Content Updates and Maintenance: Professional website content creation includes ongoing updates and maintenance to ensure the website remains fresh, relevant, and up-to-date. It may involve regular content audits, updates based on user feedback, and content optimization based on performance analytics.
  • Legal and Ethical Considerations: Professional website content creation ensures that the content adheres to legal and ethical guidelines, such as copyright laws, plagiarism avoidance, and industry-specific regulations.

5. Search Engine Readiness by Default

Professional SEO-ready website creation considers various technical SEO factors, website speed and performance optimization, reliable web design, cross-browser compatibility, coding standards compliance, scalability and flexibility, and strong security measures. Let’s look at each item with a thorough and detailed analysis.

  • Technical SEO: Professional website development includes thorough consideration of technical SEO elements during the website development process, such as optimizing website architecture, URL structure, meta tags, headers, image alt tags, and other technical factors that affect search engine crawl ability and indexing. This ensures the website is optimized for search engines, making it more likely to rank well in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Website Speed and Performance: Professional website development focuses on optimizing website speed and performance, including minimizing page load times, optimizing images, and implementing caching mechanisms. This is crucial for providing a positive user experience and search engine rankings, as search engines favor fast-loading websites.
  • Responsive Design: Professional website development includes responsive design, ensuring the website is optimized for different screen sizes and devices, including desktop computers, tablets, and mobile phones. This is important for providing a seamless user experience across other devices and for search engine rankings, as search engines prioritize mobile-friendly websites.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Professional website development ensures the website is compatible with different web browsers, including popular ones such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. This ensures the website is accessible and functional across browsers, providing a consistent user experience.
  • Code Quality and Standards: Professional website development adheres to SEO best practices. This ensures that the website’s code is clean, efficient, and error-free, making it easier for search engines to crawl and index it.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Professional website development considers the future scalability and flexibility of the website, allowing for easy updates, enhancements, and modifications as the business needs to evolve. This includes using modular and extensible code and implementing a content management system (CMS) for easy content updates. A well-designed and developed website (also CMS) will foresee and allow future development with best SEO practices in mind.
  • Security: Professional website development includes robust security measures to protect the website from potential security threats, such as implementing SSL encryption, securing user data, and implementing other security best practices. Google’s algorithms respect this item and will ultimately support search engine optimization efforts.

6. Better Testing & Quality Assurance

A professional web design company follows industry best practices for testing and quality assurance of a new website. This may include the following:

  • Functionality Testing: A professional web design company ensures that all website functionalities, such as navigation menus, forms, shopping carts, and interactive elements, are thoroughly tested to ensure they work correctly and as expected.
  • Cross-Browser and Cross-Device Testing: A professional web design company tests the website on different web browsers (such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge) and across various devices (such as desktop computers, tablets, and mobile phones) to ensure that the website is accessible and functional across different platforms.
  • Performance Testing: A professional web design company tests the website’s performance, including page load times, site speed, and overall performance, to create a faster website.
  • Responsive Testing: A professional web design company tests the website’s responsiveness to different screen sizes and devices to ensure a seamless user experience across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.
  • Content and Image Testing: A professional web design company verifies that all website content, including text, images, videos, and other media, are correctly displayed and formatted across different web browsers and devices.
  • Usability Testing: A professional web design company conducts usability testing to ensure the website is user-friendly and intuitive, with easy navigation, clear calls-to-action, and an overall positive user experience.
  • Security Testing: A professional web design company implements security testing measures to identify and address potential security vulnerabilities, such as testing for SQL injection attacks, cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities, and other security threats.
  • Code Quality and Standards: A professional web design company reviews and tests the website’s code to ensure that it adheres to industry best practices and coding standards and is free from errors and potential issues.
  • Accessibility Testing: A professional web design company ensures that the website is accessible to users with disabilities, following accessibility guidelines and best practices, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 or higher.

7. Well-Planned Launch & Ongoing Maintenance

A professional web design company may offer services related to website launch and ongoing maintenance, including SEO setup, content updates, technical updates, website backups, performance optimization, security monitoring, technical support, and analytics/reporting. These services ensure the website remains updated, secure, and optimized for performance, contributing to a successful online presence.

  • Functionality Testing: A professional web design company ensures that all newly added webpages and functionalities, such as navigation menus, forms, shopping carts, and interactive elements, are thoroughly tested to ensure they are working correctly and as expected.
  • Cross-Browser and Cross-Device Testing: A professional web design company tests newly added content on different web browsers and across various devices to ensure the content is accessible and functional across different platforms.
  • Performance Testing: A professional web design company tests the website’s performance, including page load times, site speed, and overall performance routinely, to ensure that the website loads quickly and performs optimally for users at all times.
  • Content and Image Testing: A professional web design company verifies that all newly added website content, including text, images, videos, and other media, are properly displayed and formatted across different web browsers and devices.
  • Usability Testing: A professional web design company conducts ongoing usability testing as the website grows to ensure the website remains user-friendly and intuitive, with easy navigation, clear calls-to-action, and an overall positive user experience.
  • Security Testing: A professional web design company plans and implements ongoing security testing measures to identify and address new security vulnerabilities.
  • Code Quality and Standards: A professional web design company reviews and tests the website’s code to ensure that it adheres to industry best practices and coding standards and is free from errors and potential issues.
  • Accessibility Testing: A professional web design company ensures that the website remains accessible to users with disabilities, following accessibility guidelines and best practices, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 or higher.

Consult OWDT for your web development projects

As a highly-regarded web design company, OWDT has an expert team of web developers, designers, marketers, and SEO specialists who can be entrusted to optimize your brand and expand your business. Our awards and testimonials say more about us than we can. Our anonymous surveys constantly show that our esteemed clients are positively satisfied with the work, guidance, and security that OWDT has provided and continues to provide 365/24/7.

OWDT not only focuses on providing world-class web design services but utilizes the most cost-effective strategies to ensure maximum return on investment for its clients. Our SEO services aim to drive organic website traffic, improving online visibility and boosting the brand’s online presence. Additionally, our team understands the importance of making our clients look trustworthy, and we work diligently to ensure that our products portray brands in the best possible light.

What is the hiring process at OWDT, and what are the key benefits of working at OWDT?

The hiring process at OWDT, a renowned web design company in Houston, encompasses several essential steps. To be considered for employment at OWDT, prospective candidates are required to complete a comprehensive process that includes the following:

  1. Initial Application: Candidates need to submit their application, including their resume, cover letter, and any relevant portfolio or work samples.
  2. Screening and Assessment: The applications are carefully reviewed, and selected candidates are invited for initial screenings, which may involve phone or video interviews. These assessments help OWDT evaluate candidates’ qualifications, skills, and fit for the role.
  3. In-Person Interviews: Shortlisted candidates are then invited for in-person interviews with members of the OWDT team. These interviews aim to further assess the candidate’s expertise, cultural fit, and alignment with OWDT’s values and work environment.
  4. Technical Evaluation: Depending on the position, candidates may be required to complete technical evaluations or provide demonstrations of their skills. These assessments help gauge their proficiency and suitability for the specific role they are being considered for.
  5. Reference Checks: OWDT conducts reference checks to verify candidates’ professional backgrounds, work experience, and performance. These checks provide valuable insights into the candidate’s past achievements and their ability to contribute to OWDT’s projects.
  6. Cultural Fit Assessment: OWDT places great importance on cultural fit and teamwork. Candidates may undergo assessments to evaluate their compatibility with the company’s collaborative and innovative work culture.
  7. Offer and Onboarding: Once a candidate completes the selection process, OWDT extends a formal job offer. Upon acceptance, the new employee undergoes an onboarding program to ensure a smooth transition into their role.

Working at OWDT comes with several key benefits, including:

  1. Professional Growth: OWDT provides opportunities for career development, continuous learning, and skill enhancement through training programs, workshops, and exposure to diverse projects.
  2. Collaborative Environment: OWDT fosters a collaborative work culture, encouraging teamwork, idea sharing, and mutual support among employees.
  3. Cutting-Edge Projects: OWDT engages in innovative and challenging web design projects, offering employees the chance to work on exciting ventures and expand their portfolio.
  4. Competitive Compensation: OWDT offers competitive salaries and benefits packages to attract and retain top talent.
  5. Work-Life Balance: OWDT values work-life balance, striving to create an environment that allows employees to excel in their roles while maintaining personal well-being.
  6. Employee Recognition: OWDT recognizes and rewards exceptional performance, fostering a culture of appreciation and motivation.
  7. Houston’s Vibrant Scene: Being based in Houston, OWDT employees can enjoy the vibrant cultural, artistic, and technological scene that the city has to offer.

By following these steps and embracing the benefits of working at OWDT, prospective candidates can embark on a fulfilling and rewarding career in the web design industry.